Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind (Jockey Club Yan Hong Building)
Established in 1971, the Yuen Long Home is the first residential home for aged blind set up by the HKSB, which offers 60 places in Care and Attention section and 20 places in infirmary care unit.
Special Services/Facilities
1.Physiotherapy service
- Service provided by registered physiotherapist
- Mobility assessment
- Individual rehabilitation and exercise training
- Group exercise
- Pain management
- Therapy Assistant assists to conduct exercise training
- Volunteers training
2.Dementia Care Service
- Services carried out by social worker and/or professional occupational therapist
- Individual assessment and training
- Group activities training like music and Reminiscence activities, sensory stimulations, orientation, and memory training
- Staff and volunteer training
Opening Hours
Visiting hours: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Subsidised Service by the Social Welfare Department.
Contact Us
Telephone: 3955 3300
Fax: 3955 3373
Email: ylhab@hksb.org.hk
Address: No. 169, Yuen Long On Ning Road, NT