Media Coverage

2024-12-07 TVB: 《Hands Up - 視障人士如何出行》(Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2024-12-02 TVB: 《Hands Up - 視障人士的生活難處》(Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2024-09-19 RTHK: 《精靈一點:健康人物專訪 - 細味記憶之旅》(Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2024-09-18 RTHK: 《繽紛旅程:曾淑儀(香港盲人輔導會復康服務總監)》(Click here to listen the programme in Cantonese)

2024-07-30 U港生活: 發揮香港精神!本地社企百花齊放 促進社會共融 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2024-02-13 HK01: 九巴與盲人輔導會合作 深水埗15個巴士站設發聲裝置 助找巴士站(Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2024-01-18 RTHK: 《凝聚香港 第四百一十四集 點字書點樣整?》(Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2024-01-12 HoyTV: 一線搜查 - 盲人工廠服務介紹 (05:55) (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2024-01-07 RTHK3: #Hashtag Hong Kong - Shirley Tsang, Director of Rehabilitation Services from the Hong Kong Society for the Blind

2024-01-06 Tai Kung Pao: 你是我的眼,讓我感受到色彩世界 口述影像導賞員  助視障者賞畫觀劇 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2023-11-19 RTHK: 《非常人物生活雜誌:香港盲人輔導會視聽障人士資源中心:一展歌喉!》(Click here to listen the programme in Cantonese)

2023-08-17 RTHK: 《同理‧繼續傾:「隔離‧鄰舍」香港盲人輔導會》(Click here to listen the programme in Cantonese)

2023-04-08 RTHK:《睇得見。聽得到:浵浵的色彩》(Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2023-03-06 RTHK:《凝聚香港:第一百八十六集 「觸感手語」助視聽障人士溝通》(Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2023-03-05 RTHK: 《沒有牆的世界-向夢想進發:單車上的燦爛時光》(Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2023-02-03 RTHK:《鏗鏘集 : 智慧城市》(Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2022-11-30 RTHK: 《童想.童聲》—創意,創義 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2022-07-17 SCMP:Music therapy shows promise in preventing mental illness among Hong Kong elderly during Covid (Click here to watch the programme)

2022-07-12 健康.旦:欣賞及鼓勵殘疾人士 發揮共融精神 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2022-06-09 HK01: 機構揉合靜觀及音樂療法 利用感觀刺激助視障長者調節情緒 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2022-05-16 Ming Pao : 疫情令長者呼吸功能下降 物理、職業、言語治療研究助復原 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2022-01-13 RTHK 鏗鏘集:視聽無距 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2022-01-03 AM730 :盲人輔導會攜兩店推糕點籌款 支援視障兒童教育事務 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2021-10-17 Ming Pao : 視障智障加殘障 夾Band開騷療身心 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2021-10-15 Hong Kong Commercial Daily : 煤氣公司推智能報表系統 自動報讀方便特殊需要人士 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2021-08-31 RTHK2 Talk With You:視聽障人士資源中心 (第二部份 05:40 – 22:15) (Click here to listen the programme in Cantonese)

2021-08-30 China Daily : Robots Rising: Hong Kong (0:45 - 1:58 / 6:58 - 8:22) (Click here to watch the programme)

2021-08-25 Hong Kong Commercial Daily : 「視障長者服務跨專業實證研究」網絡研討會 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2021-08-23 HK01:疫下院舍長者如與世隔絕 機構推音樂治癒助視障老人緩解情緒 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2021-07-30 HK01 : 共融設計|大專生設計眼鏡版扭扭樂破隔膜 盼視障者告別單一娛樂 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2021-07-20 Ta Kung Post : 語音驗證系統只識讀英文(Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2021-05-13 HK01: 口述影像電影培訓課程今接受報名 協會:爭取成為影視界常態 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2021-04-05  Hong Kong Connection : 奏出個未來 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2021-03-27 Cable TV:口述影像電影 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2021-03-24 RTHK1: Happy Daily (Click here to listen the programme in Cantonese)

2021-03-18 HK01: UA結業口述影像影院餘三間 前DJ憂盲人無娛樂:如何做到社會平等 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2021-03-13 Ming Pao Weekly : 【鋼琴之美 手藝傳情】憑感覺聽見琴音 視障調音師陳广智 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2021-02-28 RTHK 非常人物生活雜誌:安老服務的未來 (Click here to listen the programme in Cantonese)

2020-12-31 RTHK:The Cheers樂隊 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2020-12-25 Apple Daily:耳朵想旅行 電台DJ夥插畫家聖誕帶視障老友記聽聲去旅遊 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2020-09-03 Ta Kung Pao:視障按摩師:有工開好開心 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2020-08-10 Ta Kung Pao: 防疫機械人系列 機械人陪Jam歌 老人家開心番曬 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2020-06-27 Headline Daily:全民派錢 視障人士「無緣」八銀行網站 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2020-06-25 RTHK 香港電台開心日報:口述電影、視障朋友在疫情期間的協調 (第二部份:36:10-54:20) (Click here to listen the programme in Cantonese)

2020-06-07 Commercial Radio 商業電台同途有心人:香港盲人輔導會 - AI智能視像機械人 (第二節) (Click here to listen the programme in Cantonese)

2020-05-25 RTHK31 香港電台31台 日常8點半:《疫情.亦情》(07:27 – 14:40) (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2020-05-16 HK01: 視障智障人士樂團首發專輯 歌詞訴心聲:發光芒燃亮我可以 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2020-05-15 HK01: 院舍引AI機械人 為長者送水探熱 初創公司:盼減輕護理負擔  (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2020-04-20 Topick:【齊心抗疫】視障者外出靠摸憂慮易感染 機構設熱線助紓解不安情緒 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2020-04-16 SCMP: Coronavirus: Trying times for the blind and visually impaired who rely heavily on sense of touch

2020-03-06 Headline Daily: 疫情下視障人士減外出零社交增憂慮 利希慎基金設熱線支援情緒健康 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2020-01-13 HK01: 【罕見病】8歲童餘一成視力 16歲將全盲 父:她的天空不應受限 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2019-12-03 UNWIRE.HK :無障礙科技 原來大有商機?(Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2019-10-16 RTHK 31 香港電台31台 日常8點半:全港首個視障人士集體婚禮 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2019-10-14 Headline Daily: 視障老夫妻 親友見證下再說 「我願意」(Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2019-10-14 MIng Pao:漆黑無阻愛意 14對視障夫婦再說我願意 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2019-10-13 Topick: 盲婚不啞嫁 14對視障人士辦集體婚禮圓夢 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2019-08-24 Oriental Daily News: 東網透視:視障青年病情惡化棄文職 熟記數百穴位當按摩師 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)


2019-08-22 HKCSS Channel: 視聽障人士:聽不到看不到 很無助、恐懼 導譯員服務助殘疾人士重返社區 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2019-08-10 Oriental Daily News: 東網透視:義工錄製「有聲書」 助視障人士縱橫書海 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2019-07-15 Topick: 口述影視漸增 漆黑中重拾「光影」(Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2019-06-30 SCMP: Hong Kong’s Factory for the Blind

2019-03-27 HK01: 音樂建自信 立志投身特殊教育 視障生考上大學:想幫同路人 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2019-02-28 HKCSS Channel: 怎樣預防長者跌倒 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2019-02-18 HK01:【無障礙職場】20個員工9個是殘疾人士 經理:條件啱就市價聘請 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2019-02-12 有組織推動口述電影助視障人士投入情節 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2019-02-11 HK01: 一對失明長者的愛情故事 當年老爺仲話︰「呢個女人靠唔住!」(Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2019-02-08 Now TV: 【杏林在線】VR醫療 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2018-10-21 Sing Pao: 盲人工廠慶55周年 展藝破疆界 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2018-08-07 RTHK 早辰.早晨: 口述影像預錄電影中 視障人士看電戲更自在 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2018-08-03 CitizenNews: 盲人入戲院戴耳機聽《逆流大叔》 「唔使再內疚問人劇情」(Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2018-08-02 HKET Topick: 《逆流大叔》首映設口述影像 視障者可與其他觀眾同時大笑 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2018-07-25 Sing Pao: 「讀鈔易」手機程式 助視障者辨識銀碼 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2018-07-22 Ming Pao: 盲人口述電影達人彭晴 讓看見 看不見的,同場觀影 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2018-07-21 Apple Daily: 【全港首部】視障亦能感受電影張力 《逆流大叔》增口述影像服務 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2018-07-11 ET Net: 與員工與時並進 社企留人才自有法 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2018-07-07 SCMP: How audio descriptions help the visually impaired enjoy movies

2018-06-25 Oriental Daily News: 言語治療助長者改善吞嚥困難 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2018-06-24 Cable TV: 調出色彩人生(Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2018-06-06 100毛星期三港案:看得見的電影 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2018-03-14 自在8點半:【民生無小事】視障人士的家居生活  (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2018-03-08 Cable TV: Cheers Band (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese)

2018-02-04 HK01: 【口述影像】推動九年望戲院增設備 緣起一句︰原來看戲關我事 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2018-01-23 SCMP: She struggles to see clearly, but this student proves it's "okay to fail, but it is not okay to give up" - even if you have a disability

2018-02-21 東方日報:我有正能量:視障知音 失明調音師妙手回音 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-12-09 Ta Kung Pao : 聲音導航 衝破視障賞聖誕樹 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-12-05 U Magazine : 視障人士 睇戲要靠佢 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-12-03 Cable TV: 看不見的魔術 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese) 

2017-11-26 MingPao Weekly : 口述影像員梁浩達:沒有光 盲人一樣有權看電影 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-11-05 Cable TV : 白化症 (Click here to watch the programme in Cantonese) 

2017-10-12 SCMP : 2017-10-12 南华早报:Vision problems for one in 10 Hong Kong kindergarten pupils – and it’s getting worse

2017-10-12 Sky Post : 1成幼園生有視力問題 4歲女遠視600度 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-10-12 Oriental Daily News : 11%幼園學童視力出問題 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-08-28 : 【不是外星人】四個孩子三個白化病 媽媽:佢哋好正常、好活潑!(Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-08-28 Apple Daily:【現實版盲俠】評《踩過界》太誇係劇情需要 陽光型男:揀多次都寧願視障 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-08-28 Apple Daily: 視力衰退 攝影迷學調音覓出路 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-08-28 am730: 遭客戶質疑 續提升技術 視障調音師冀多接納 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-08-28 HK01: 失明調音師雖看不見卻是音符「盲公竹」:失明並非只可做按摩師 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-06-29 Ming Pao Weekly:【關注視障人士】香港盲人輔導會︰播1套《踩過界》 好過我哋做100次展覽 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-05-31 SCMP: The Hong Kong massage and facial care centre with a heart to train and hire visually impaired

2017-05-31 Apple Daily: 長者魔術師義教 視障人士變快樂小丑隊 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-05-31 HKET Topick: 失明智障也做得到 快樂小丑隊將不可能變可能  (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-05-31 am730: 六旬義工雲姐 陪著快樂小丑走出院舍 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-05-31 HK01: 六旬義工與視障智障人士「魔術」同行15年:別說施予,我是學習(Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-05-20 Ta Kung Pao: VR技術助弱視長者“眼睛去旅行” (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-05-02 am730: 明年中實測 延長綠燈過馬路 長者殘疾人士拍卡即加時 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-04-28 Next Plus:【壹鏡頭●盲人Tune琴】調200幾條弦 客人故意找個失明的 (Click here to watch the video in Cantonese)

2017-04-18 RTHK2 Made in Hong Kong 李志剛: 口述影像義工 (Click here to listen the programme in Cantonese)

2017-03-28 Ka Kung Pao: 無障鈔「失效」困擾17萬視障者 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-03-19 Oriential Daily News: 我有正能量:義工出口述 視障有戲睇 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-02-13 Oriential Daily News: VR助弱視長者重回社區 (Click here to watch the video in Chinese)

2017-02-09 HKCSS Channel :Intelligent Home to improve the qulity of life of elderly (Click here to watch programme in Chinese)

2017-01-24 RTHK5 生活存關愛:  VR助視障長者 (香港盲人輔導會)  (Click here to listen the programme in Chinese)

2017-01-09 am730: 中原慈善跑嘉年華2017 (Click here to read the news coverage in Chinese)

2017-01-03 RTHK5 有你同行 : Aged Blind Home Services (Click here to listen the programme in Chinese)

2016-12-28 HKCSS Channel:引入VR虛擬實境技術 復康訓練更見成效 (Click here to watch the video in Chinese)

2016-12-10 Hong Kong Commercial Daily : 重建盲人安老院 賽馬會欣康樓開幕 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-11-28 Headline Daily:「咫尺瞳行」 協力助視障人士踩單車 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-11-28 Sing Pao :協力車慈善行 導引視障者探索社區 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-11-11 BastillePost :環保節能安老院 運動健體兼發電 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-10-24 道在人間: 協力瞳行 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-10-18 Recruit : 協力同行 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-10-13 Hong Kong Commercial Daily:9%幼稚園學童逾百度近視散光 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-10-13 Sky Post:近1成幼童 視力有問題  (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-09-29 Metro Daily:視障健視者 齊享單車樂 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-09-28單車︰首屆協力車慈善行踩入科學園 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-09-28穿梭黑白鍵 視障調音師調出完美琴音 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-08-25 SCMP: Hong Kong study sheds light on an issue that’s hard to swallow

2016-08-25 Oriental Daily News: 吞嚥困難長者「入錯膈」爆肺炎 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-08-25 Ming Pao: 六成長者吞嚥困難 專家:避吃湯飯月餅(Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-08-24 am730:視障健視 二人四足 憑信協力 共享破風 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-07-21 Ming Pao: 團體籲捐二手iPhone 助盲人(Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-07-20 回收二手鋼琴 讓視障調琴師把琴重生(Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-06-29 ViuTV 衝三小:第十三集 打保齡球 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-06-25 東方日報:口述電影 讓瞎眼的得看見 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-05-24 頭條日報:傷健共融踩協力車 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-04-17 東方日報:盲人工廠轉型拓出路 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-04-09 蘋果日報:視障朋友看電影 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-03-29 am730 推廣口述影像 締造公平世界(Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-03-25 SoLeisure 閒舍區無障礙設施背後的無名英雄 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-03-16 SoLeisure 閒舍區 用心也能看到 視障按摩師 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-02-22 am730 包容維繫幸福婚姻 視聽障無礙35年情 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-02-22 Oriential Daily News 觸感手語挽視聽障人士婚姻 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-02-22 The Sun 無懼視聽障 手「觸」情深 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-02-22 Apple Daily 泰女嫁視聽障港男 不離不棄36年 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2016-02-22 Hong Kong Economic Times 元宵節學習愛 視聽障礙者與泰裔太太的廿年婚姻 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2015-09 TVB 無線電視:陪著你走 - 視事關心:手多多惹的禍 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2015-09 TVB 無線電視:陪著你走 - 視事關心:陪著你走油 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese) 

2015-09 TVB 無線電視:陪著你走 - 視事關心:協助視障人士過馬路 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

2015-05-08 Oriential Daily News 導譯義工 助視聽障者拓社交 (Click here to read news coverage in Chinese)

Please contact us for media interview:

Mr Tommy Cheng, Communication Officer
Tel: 3723 8208
Fax: 2788 0040